Common fire extinguisher violations
- Bracket or hanger does not match the kind of fire extinguisher.
- Pressure gauge is low or overcharged on the fire extinguisher.
- Annual inspection tag has expired.
- Fire extinguisher is not installed at the proper height.
- Fire extinguisher is sitting on the floor rather than mounted.
- Fire extinguisher is damaged or rusted.
- There are not enough fire extinguishers at the business for the size of the building.
- There are obstacles in front of the extinguisher that keeps you from getting to it.
- Improper signage to indicate where the extinguisher is located.
Is there a fine for not inspecting your fire extinguisher?
Generally, the fire marshal or inspector will not give you a fine for the first visit. They will write a citation for any issues found and then give you a period of time to correct the issues (generally 1-2 weeks). Issues not corrected may result in closure of your business.
On the other hand, OSHA will give you a fine on the first visit for any violations. OSHA fines can be very punitive.
Insurance companies are doing inspections on their customers more often than in the past. There is no fine but they may cancel your insurance if you don’t properly protect your property.